Tuesday, October 26, 2010


How to make cheese

Making cheese is quite a long and technical procedure but it is very satisfying and worthwhile. Here are the steps you need to follow.

First, collect all the ingredients you need: milk, vinegar and salt. Then add four teaspoons of vinegar while you are boiling the milk. Don’t forget to stir well with a wooden spoon. After that, remove any moisture with a cheesecloth and then separate the whey from the cheese. Next leave the mixture to cool down. Then, for flavour, add salt to the cheese, remove any remaining moisture and place the cheese into a mould. Finally, wrap the cheese in a cloth and refrigerate before eating.

As you can see, making your own cheese is quite a long procedure but if you follow the above steps you should end up with a tasty and nutritious product. Bon appétit.

145 words

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