Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Big city/small town: compare & contrast

Compare and contrast living in a village with living in a city

In England, I live in a small town, while here in Abu Dhabi I live in a large, modern city. So I’m well qualified to compare and contrast village and city life.

There are certain similarities between the two lifestyles. Firstly, in both villages and towns you find domestic residences. Roads, schools, hospitals, shops, garages, and so on, are also common to both village and city.

The main difference between village and city is, of course, in terms of size and number. In a small village, there might be only one shop, one school, one garage, one hospital or clinic. In a large city, there are many of each. In addition a village shop will likely be small, whereas in a city like Abu Dhabi we have many large-scale shopping malls, in addition to supermarkets and smaller shops. Similarly, in a large city there will be more, and bigger, schools, hospitals and garages.

Personally, I love living in a small, quiet rural town when I’m in England. I savour walking in the countryside and along the coast. I relish the clean environment. I like using the local fishmonger, baker and other town tradespeople. On the other hand, I enjoy the wider range of shops, restaurants and sporting facilities here in Abu Dhabi. The increased noise and pollution is the price I pay for this.

223 words.

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