Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Traffic congestion in Abu Dhabi: problem & solution

Like most large cities around the world, Abu Dhabi suffers from traffic congestion and parking problems.

The main reason for this is the rapidly expanding population. Due to equally rapid economic development, based on oil, this population is wealthy enough to afford motor cars. Indeed, most Emirati households have several cars and many drivers are young, which means more accidents and hold-ups. In addition, the large number of construction projects means more heavy vehicles which slows traffic and worsens congestion. Lack of adequate parking provision only exacerbates the problem.

One obvious solution is to improve the existing road system by widening roads, building more bridges, overpasses, subways and so on. Another possibility is the introduction of staggered hours to eliminate rush hour congestion. Yet another suggestion is to relocate businesses and government offices to off-island sites. Better public transport is also often put forward as a solution to the problem. Harsher fines and stricter enforcement of rules and regulations by traffic police might also help to alleviate the situation, as would better driver education and stiffer driving tests. Paid parking areas have already been introduced and they too have contributed to the easing of congestion in certain areas.

Even better public transport would be a useful solution, but whether there is enough room on the island, for a metro system, in association with a Salik-type system, is debatable. Improvements in the road system and the creation of paid parking areas have already proved successful in easing congestion. Better driver education, including more stringent testing, together with more rigorous enforcement of traffic regulations would also seem viable solutions.

263 words.

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